NY Strip Steak


I love making a cast iron seared steaks. The cast iron pan allows for a fantastic, caramelized crust and delicious flavor. I have smoked paprika seasoned salt that goes amazing with this steak!

Steak temperature chart:

Rare 120-125

Medium rare 130-135

Medium 140-145

Medium well 150-155

Well 160-165

Start of with drying the outside of your steak with a paper towel and season liberally with kosher salt/black pepper on both sides. Allow the steak to come up to room temperature (around 30 minutes) before cooking. This will help the meat relax and will cook quicker. You’ll also be able to get a better crust on the outside. The pan won’t drop in temperature as much as it would with a cold steak, therefor a better caramelized crust will be acheived=DELICIOUS

Cook your steak to your liking of doneness. I did 1-1/2ish minutes per side for a medium rare. This all depends on thickness, how hot your pan is etc.

Once the steak is room temperature, heat your pan on medium high for 2-3 minutes. I go just until the point it starts to smoke. Add 1 tbsp cooking oil to the pan. Pat the steak dry on both sides once again and add it to the pan.

Sear for 1-1/2-2 minutes for a medium rare or longer if desired. Turn your steak over and add 2 tbsp unsalted butter, 1 clove garlic and some fresh herbs. Baste the steak with the melted butter.

Allow steak to rest for 10 minutes once your desired doneness is achieve. I plated mine with parsnip puree roasted vegetables and garlic compound butter.


Tri Tip Sandwich


Roasted Garlic Compound Butter