Homemade Peanut Butter

Creamy, homemade peanut butter is so easy to make at home.

Beautifully creamy homemade peanut butter is so easy to make!


Two 10 oz containers of roasted, salted peanuts

Tools needed:

Food processor

Rubber spatula

1 qt mason jar with lid.

I love to make peanut butter at home. It is far better than store bought and is much better for you. The only ingredients I use are dry roasted, salted peanuts! I use homemade peanut butter in baking, making sauces, eat it by the spoonfuls and in peanut butter and jelly sandwiches….of course.

Homemade peanut butter starts wit dry, roasted peanuts.

I make peanut butter using roasted, salted peanuts. I use two 10 oz containers. This makes about 3 cups worth of peanut butter!

How to make it:

Throw both containers of your peanuts in a food processor. Put lid on and turn on full speed for around 5 minutes. The peanuts will clump up and may stick to the sides of the food processor. If it does stick, stop the processor and scrape the sides with a rubber spatula. Continue to process until your peanut butter is nice and creamy. This will take up to 5 minutes. Once your peanut butter is nice and creamy, place in a mason jar with a lid. Keeps best in the refrigerator.

Your peanut butter will last about a month if placed in the refrigerator. You can also put it in your pantry, but will reduce the time it will be good for. Enjoy your homemade peanut butter!



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